Connecting two worlds

We, I2M Trade, are specialized in finding an item that is valuable to Customers from each corner of the world and introduce them to the other side. Bridging two world together by building Supply Chain.

Explore our services

Import Procurement Agent

Do you have a specific Item you are looking for?

Each different Industry and each country has it's unique supply chain and different ways to work. Let us help you from initial sourcing and supply chain set up to repeat order management.

Currently we are specialized in Canadian Industry

B2B Direct Import/Export 

Are you a Canadian Company who wants to Export your product to abroad?

We procure your products and export to aboard.

If you feel you got right products, Let's Talk!

B2C E-Commerce 

Some Items are just make sense to have B2C set up and have direct access to oversea general public.

This service is not yet offered but coming soon

Contact us if you have any questions

(While we make every effort to provide a response in reasonable time frame, please understand our feedback can be delayed up to 3 business days)